Need opinions from rubber room regulars

Sep 21, 2004
Viking611 and I have this friend. We'll call him Brandon. Brandon has this fiancee, we'll call her Satan. Brandon and Satan are supposed to get married in April, but none of us think it's a good idea. He drinks everyday, she never has a beer. He has lots of friends, she has almost none. She stays home all the time, he used to go out all the time before her. He loves sports, she doesn't seem to have any interest. He is laid back, she is controlling. He doesn't even seem that into her, he's just *****-whipped. None of us can see him staying married to this girl, but we have never said anything to him about it. It's not about us. Granted, we hate the bitch, but it's about him. If the consensus among all of us friends is that this could be a huge mistake, is it our place to talk to him? I feel like asking him what the hell he is doing with his life, but don't know if it's my place. Would a good friend confront his friend, or just trust him to make the right decision? Maybe Box and Skins can chime in. They already deserve their own daily talk show. :toast:

I'm all about low expectations
Feb 3, 2006
yes, have a talk with him... i had a buddy in a similar situation, tried to talk to him, he didn't listen of course, but now just over a year into the marriage he is strongly considering a divorce... doubt your bud will listen, but you should at least give it a shot...

or you could always take one for the team and try to get her to sleep with you, pretty sure that would end the relationship if you got enough game... hahaha
Jan 19, 2006
Divorce Rate is at 60% nowadays.. Why did you think he proposed to her?

Likely answer will be= Good puusy, but is there another reason you can think of other than that?
Sep 21, 2004
gynecologist said:
Divorce Rate is at 60% nowadays.. Why did you think he proposed to her?

Likely answer will be= Good puusy, but is there another reason you can think of other than that?
She pressured him, no doubt. And her sister just had a kid, so you know she is dying to have one. He is really laid back, and probably figures he could have done a lot worse, and will just make the best of it. But nobody's talked to him about it, so he might be really scared right now, but just doesn't have to balls to back out now. Plus he's getting laid everyday, so that always affects judgment.
Jan 19, 2006
Yes it sure does.. LOL...

I definitely recommend talking to him about it, women are usually more desperate to get married with children before men so you are probably correct when you say she pressured him... Yeah definitely talk to him, I think you guys will regret it if you never discuss this...

Marriage is a serious thing, a woman will either make or break a man so this is his future here.. And if you makes decent money make sure he makes her sign a prenup..
Sep 21, 2004
She clearly wants to get married, knocked up and divorced to ruin his life.
Last edited:
Jan 19, 2006
gynecologist said:
Yes it sure does.. LOL...

I definitely recommend talking to him about it, women are usually more desperate to get married with children before men so you are probably correct when you say she pressured him... Yeah definitely talk to him, I think you guys will regret it if you never discuss this...

Marriage is a serious thing, a woman will either make or break a man so this is his future here.. And if you makes decent money make sure he makes her sign a prenup..

I meant to say "if he makes decent money" not you.. :lolBIG:

That settles it...It's WED/DAY
Sep 21, 2004
I say you and Viking send Brandon out of town and call Satan over for some Taylor Rain style gangbanging. Thats what a good friend would do.

:spanker: :devilex: :flies:

New member
Oct 21, 2004
have her anally raped by someone then take pictures then show them to the husband who will then believe she is cheating on him, subseuqently break up with her, she kills herself, problem solved.

Officially Punching out Nov 25th
Sep 21, 2004
Bachelor Party + Booze + Hookers + Video Camera = You got your friend back

There are subtle mental tactics you can use to plant and magnify doubts in your friends mind but if they are misused you could have your friend turn against you and make his bond with the woman much stronger, which is something you don't want.

This one is pretty tame so you could try this with out much fear of it going wrong.

"It must be wonderful to know you have found someone with no faults, who satisfies you in every way, If you thought for a moment I bet you couldn't even imagine any areas where she is not the perfect person for you, not one fault that would bother you increasingly more and more as your marriage goes on through the years."

It works on the inability of the subconscious to process a negative. Your friend will inevitably think of a fault, something small at first with proper nudging it can grow bigger in his mind.
Like if I said to you don't think of an elephant, your brain has to think of an elephant to not think of an elephant.

There is my 3 minute response...a better one would cost you :103631605

For G-Baby
Oct 22, 2004
joeyfitzclick said:
It's simple. Have her killed.

That's pretty much what I'd suggest.

Honestly, talk to the guy. You all are his true friends, right? A true friend always has his friend's back, always looks out for him and his best interests, truly cares for that person.

So IMO, you all need to let him know you feel. Make sure he understands that his happiness is the ONLY thing you guys are looking out for, and nothing else, nothing personal, etc.

I'd expect all of my true friends to let me know if I was in a situation like that. To NOT voice their opinion would not be doing your job as a friend.

If that doesn't work, you can always go back and kill her, no sweat.

Save me the dead vagina. Thanks.

UF. Champion U.
Nov 2, 2004
Illini said:
Viking611 and I have this friend. We'll call him Brandon. Brandon has this fiancee, we'll call her Satan.

LLLLLLOLLLLLLLLL :puppy: :lolBIG: :party: :pope:

Rx. Senior
Sep 20, 2003
Several years ago I was in this situation. Lucky enough, I realized it before it was too late. I had some doubts and "tested" how much she really was into me and she failed miserably.
A few of my friends were up front and told me she was a bitch, a few told me afterwards. The ones that told me before, even though I brushed them off at the time, were right and stayed my true friends.

UF. Champion U.
Nov 2, 2004
Alright, sorry. Had to get those 2 laughs out.

I was in a similiar situation.

I had a friend that was going to be drafted very high in the MLB Draft, we'll call him Barry. We took him out before the draft, got hammered at our favorite bar in Gainesville, and he met a girl there - we'll call her Mildred.

Now Barry isnt a very attractive man. He looks like an albino gone bad. He was probably a virgin at the time, not by choice. But he's our boy.

Mildred is a whore on wheels, from a small hick money. She's very controlling. He's a huge puss. But she has D's, and a hick accent, and probably rides that albino cock like there is no tomorrow. Everything you mentioned above. She meets Barry and she thinks Barry is probably someone she has a financial future with. Barry ends up getting drafted in the 4th round, signs for about $350,000 signing bonus, and then proposes to a girl he met at a bar known for it's sluts. They met while they were both drunk grab ass dancing to songs about tits and ass, and skeet skeet. Like a fairytale.

As friends of Barry - we freak out. The guy has barely legged it out on a controversial call to third base in his sexual life, and he goes off and tries to marry the first set of puss lips that he gets a hold of. She's a huge BITCH. Doesnt like him hanging out with us anymore. Shes very dominant. But he's all wrapped up in the tang.

We decide it was time to have a few beers and CASUALLY mention that marrying this girl is a mistake.

Thats the key. Casual.

If you have a sit down, and shine a light in his face, he'll remember that forever, and will never feel comfortable around you guys again, because he's gonna remember that you said his girlfriend sucked.

But if you get drunk, and youre all sitting around, bring it up casually, and have everyone chime in. But try not to make a big deal out of it where its gonna fuck up your friendship.

We suggested Barry get a pre-nup as a way to drop the hint that she sucked and thought that was a good ice breaker to ease into the conversation......(even though it's only $350,000, its not like hes donald trump), and we suggested that he should sample some more vagina before he jumps to any conclusions. He was pretty offended, and he now he is married with a kid.

We dont all talk that much anymore because he gets dominated and we are on different schedules, and now because of her living choice, live in different cities in florida.

Barry? He is almost out of money. He got her bigger tits, she wants to start her own nail business, she takes some crazy personal trainer exercise classes.

Overall, I dont like how his situation ended up, and like I said, we dont speak much anymore.

Not sure if we went about it the right way to this day.

Take that story for what its worth.

Maybe you can make it right this time.

Do you like my new avatar?
Oct 21, 2002
SkinsRaj28 said:
Save me the dead vagina. Thanks.

No such thing as a dead vagina.... Vacum seal it, freeze, thaw with a heating blanket when needed, then repeat process. :godown:

That settles it...It's WED/DAY
Sep 21, 2004
Barry is married with a kid?????????????????????

AHHHHH Shit that guy is going to be divroced by 35 paying child support and looking to buy a corvette convertible to make him feel better. Maybe even one of those plastic vaginas at a sex shop too. WOw what a mistake.

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